Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prison break Season 3 Episodes 9-12

Season 3, Episode 9: Boxed In

Original Air Date—14 January 2008 After the helicopter failed to break out Whistler, Sona's new commander, Panamanian general Zavala, decides to make Michael talk by putting him into the sun-exposed isolation hot-box, promises to help in exchange for the truth, verifies the L.J-situation and is told it's about Whistler, who already realized the tunnel is a no-go without engineer Schofield but denies blatantly to Zavala- and is threatened with torture until he admits to collaborating with Michael, who convinces him next to give up Gretchen Morgen's name. Linc was meanwhile shown L.J., alive, as motivation. Malone is back in Sona, desperate without his drug. T-bag and his allies are mainly concerned with Lechero's expected succession and another bare-knuckle fight, won by Brad Bellick. Gretchen recruits Sucre as a double spy (or triple for Linc); then Zavala arrests and tortures her. Only Whistler's admission makes her admit L.J.'s kidnapping and leads them there, but manages to kill the general and escape. Michael and Whistler are returned to general population, Malone and Bagwel join the tunnel escape party. Sucré's mystery smuggle-employer now calls on Sammy to open the package- a gun. download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 10: Dirt Nap

Original Air Date—21 January 2008 Papa is dead and Sammy presses Lechero to kill Michael; Lechero replies that he also wants Michael dead, but he does not want an uprising in Sona. Mahone receives a mail with a picture of his son. Lechero, Michael, Mahone, Whistler and T-Bag inspect the hole in the tunnel and Michael requests a saw and hammer to support the tunnel. Sammy takes the power of Sona with the pistol delivered by Augusto and other three gangsters and promises a box of bottles of rum for the inmate that kills Michael. T-Bag convinces Bellick to give the chicken foot to Sammy promising him to join the escape team; when he discovers that there is no acetone, he unsuccessfully tries to call-off the fight. Meanwhile Lincoln and Sofia visits Osberto and buys a bomb; Sucre plants the bomb under the seat of Gretchen's car but she unravels that she found Maricruz tracking the US$ 25,000.00 check she gave to him. Sammy leaves the fighting with Bellick to chase Michael, who is locked behind the door in the tunnel with Mahone. Sammy beats Whistler, who was left behind, trying to get the combination of the door. Michael removes a wedge from the hole and the tunnel collapses over Sammy, burying him, while Lechero and Mahone kill the three other gangsters. Sofia finds a wallet hidden in Whistler's bag. download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 11: Under & Out

Original Air Date—4 February 2008 Michael concludes that they are behind schedule and they have twenty-four hours to dig a tunnel. However, when it begins to rain, he tells them that they must change the plans and break-out during the night since the tunnel will collapse. McGrady asks Michael to go with him, but he is in doubt whether he should escape with criminals like Lechero, T-Bag, Bellick and the mysterious Whistler. Michael believes he is paying for his sins in Sona. Later he confesses that he is tired of causes and consequences and invites McGrady to join the break-out team. Gretchen delivers the bomb planted in her car to Sucre. Sofia is kidnapped by Gretchen's men and she tortures her to get the coordinates from Whistler. Bellick tries to plot a betrayal with Mahone, but he refuses. Michael calls the costumer service of the emergency generator's manufacturer and discovers that they have just thirty seconds lag to reach the fence in the darkness. T-Bag overhears the conversation between Michael and Whistler when he tells that surviving is not giving-up. Sucre sabotages the jeeps but he is detained since there are issues in the records of Jorge Rivera. Whistler gives only half coordinates for the safety of Sofia, LJ, Michael and Lincoln. Lincoln hijacks a bus and crashes it against Sona's transformer initiating the blackout. Lechero, T-Bag and Bellick betray the rest of fugitives telling that they will be the first to leave. download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 12: Hell or High Water

Original Air Date—11 February 2008 When Lechero, T-Bag and Bellick run to the fence, they are captured by the guards. However, this was the real plan of Michael that waits with Whistler, Mahone and McGrady the exact moment to leave the hideout. When Bellick shows the tunnel, the quartet breaks-out Sona, meeting with Lincoln on the beach, where Whistler notes that he lost the book with the coordinates. They use breathing apparatuses and swim underwater to a buoy, waiting for Sucre. However their fellow is cuffed to a file drawer in Sona. But McGrady's father finds the boat 312 moored in the marina and he rescues the escapees. McGrady follows with his father, while the car of Lincoln and the fugitives is chased by Gretchen's men. However they find the GPS in Whistler's watch and they lure the gangsters in a shootout later. When Sucre is released in Sona, T-Bag sees him and discloses his identity to the guards. Meanwhile, Mahone says goodbye and Whistler escapes from Michael and Lincoln, leaving them with nothing for a negotiation with Gretchen. download Klik Here



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