Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prison break Season 3 Episodes 5-8

Season 3, Episode 5: Interference

Original Air Date—22 October 2007 A test with a rat proves the tower snipers are very good, so Michael figures breaking out with Whistler within 24 hours has to be at 3 PM, during a distracting soccer game. Sucre accepts $5,000 from a limousine man to smuggle a package into Sona. Linc is to arrange transport outside, but gets turned away roughly by an army patrol at two miles with Marisol in her car, then tells her Sara has already been killed, he keeps it from Michael as L.J. is his ultimate priority. New prisoner Andrew Tyge is robbed to his boxers at arrival, and warned off by Alexander Mahone after snooping around Michael and Whistler, who plan an electric signal disturbance device to distract the guard tower. Before they can make a move, a reflection from Michael's televisor is spotted: the troops move in and find it in his cell, he admits it's his; when the commander is about to shoot him, Whistler says it's his for birdwatching, and proves it showing the ornithology book Linc couldn't hold on to. Tyge identifies Whistler, who denies, as Macfaddyen, Nice 1997... download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 6: Photo Finish

Original Air Date—5 November 2007 Tyge tells Michael he and 'Mcfadden' where co-employees in a Nice hotel, Mahone worries he keeps observing Whistler. Having to re-plan hastily, Michael tells Linc to drug the second guard's coffee wherever he goes for lunch, and demands pictures of L.J. and Sara before he escapes. Malone refuses a term reduction to 8 years for testimony against the government and Burrow's conspiracy: now he faces life. Tyge is stabbed dead, Lechero questions Menudo 'McGrady' and has Whistler dragged away for confession. Michael believes Mahone and Bellick's denials; T-bag offers Michael to use a ring he stole from Sammy, his rival for Lechero's confidence, to frame him for Tyge's stabbing, but Michael finds the murder knife under Malone's bed and goes denounce Alex to Lechero, only he just walks out after accepting a 4 years deal with US Justice, Lechero administers justice his way... Linc and Sofia succeed in the drugging, but Susan finds out the brothers had a different timing planned, gets no recent pictures, Linc confesses Sara's death, Michael makes a drastic decision... download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 7: Vamonos

Original Air Date—5 November 2007 Alexander Mahone is assured all he has to do is tell the truth, enjoying full immunity. Michael tells Whistler their row is part of a diversion, the escape is now or never, before the guard's coffee drug wears off. Just when the critical sun reflexion blinds the other tower guard, they must wait and hide till Sammy has passed, but get trough the cut bars. Lechero sees them climb down and back in -time ran out- but refuses to allow them to cancel their duel to the death in the courtyard, meant as a diversion fake announcement. Sofia draws a gun at Linc to prevent him turning over James Whistler to killers, he retorts that's condemning innocent L.J. to death. Guards wake the passed-out guard, see the climbing rope and move in, the colonel shoots a random prisoner 'for not telling' and exposes his deal with Lechero, questioning if he's the right man for the job. Hearing the Sona siren, Linc flees by car and lies he has the 'escapees' in the trunk when called by Susan, but an inside contact phones her: the roll-count was complete. Sucre stops her van by crashing into it, but even when Linc holds her at gun-point her accomplice won't trade L.J., he releases her and gets a short extension to find out what happened. Failing a hearing, Malone now believes Justice official Richard Sullins is setting him up to confess. Michael is dragged before Lechero, but not to be punished, he's ordered to take the fallen boss along when he and Whistler escape! Susan asks instructions from Whistler, he tells her -as Gretchen- to give the brothers four more days. download Klik Here

Season 3, Episode 8: Bang and Burn

Original Air Date—12 November 2007 Lincoln tells Michael that they have four more days to rescue Whistler, but Michael is upset with his brother that used him. Gretchen has a meeting with General and they decide to use power to release Whistler in an operation called "Bang and Burn"; later she asks Whistler to kill Michael. In Sona, the guards reinforce the bars in the windows, and Michael tells Lechero that this way it will be difficult to break-out. Sammy requests more men to Lechero to keep Sona under control. Sofia receives a call from Whistler's mysterious landlord telling that he has some "insurance papers" from her boyfriend; however, the Company intercepts the conversation. When Sofia receives the documents, she finds a passport of Whistler in the name of Gary Miller. But Gretchen arrives and takes the documents. Mahone tells Agent Lang how he killed Shales and then he addicted in pills, and asks her to get some drugs for him otherwise he will not be able to speak in the hearing. T-Bag gives a message from Lechero with the blueprint of his cell with a hidden door and an access code. Whistler is ready to stab Michael when Lechero arrives and he hides the knife. Michael asks McGrady to request his father to call Lincoln and tell him: "-Don't come home for dinner." Mahone fails in the hearing and is sent back to Sona. Lincoln, Sucre and Sofia are attacked by the Company's agents and the brothers realize that something is happening, i.e., the Company does not need them anymore. When the "Bang and Burn" Operation begins, Michael catches Whistler and Gretchen fails in her intent. The command of Sona captures Michael for the attempt of breaking-out. download Klik Here



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