Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prison break Season 2 Episodes 21-22

Season 2, Episode 21: Fin del camino

Original Air Date—26 March 2007 Linc finds Michael is gone from their Christina Rose yacht after receiving Sucre's message (also intercepted by Mahone, who thinks to have found his way out) scary scumbag T-bag is in Panama City's Fin del Camino hotel with the money. A fire-cracker he pays a local boy to plant shows Michael Mahone's two plants on the plaza, but Bellick pulls his gun at him, accompanied by Fernando who denies sending the message- Schofield smells a trap and states their goals: money for Bellick, Maricruz for Sucre, T-bag for him, then reminds Fernando in private Maricruz is his legitimate priority, not revenge. Sarah Tancredi's trial proceeds, and the judge allows showing Michael's tape clearing her; her lawyer advises to take a twelve year plea, in effect nine years in hard security. When T-bag leaves Mahone's two men tail him, followed by the escapee trio, then Mahone, who is suddenly attacked by Lincoln who calls him the murderer of his dad. The trio surprises and disarms Mahone's duo which carries no FBI-identification, and next T-bag, but hears police sirens outside. After lining up his medals and putting on his uniform, Paul Kellerman shoots himself in the head, but his pistol jams; his sister insists it's a sign to make a new start in life; he goes testify on Sarah's behalf. Instead of money, Fernando finds a girl shot, T-bag makes a run past Bellick while police forces entry; Michael and Sucre follow over the fire escape, a car slightly running over him causes T-bag to be caught again; he deals with Michael to trade his escape -without the money- for information but Schofield decides to dump him at the embassy; the monster finds a screw driver, stabs Fernando and thus causes a car crash, allowing him to run with his precious backpack; Sucre insists Michael runs after him in a palm wood, till he makes a stand with a knife; a broken bottle allows a fight, in no time Michael has the knife on T-bag's throat, who taunts him but still gets stabbed- in the arm, so the police can easily take him in. . . download Klik Here

Season 2, Episode 22: Sona

Original Air Date—2 April 2007 Only back at the yacht, Michael notices Lincoln is gone and calls him- Alex Mahone tells him Linc is no cold-blooded killer, so he was overpowered and hand-cuffed, and the ransom is the yacht and the fortune he assumes to be in it, to be agreed in five minutes, now Mahone is even more wanted then the brothers. Kellerman's self-incriminating testimony and documents he brings get all charges against Sarah and Lincoln dropped, him arrested. Mahone calls Kim to fly over immediately. Alex calls his wife, to make her bring the kids for a holiday in her native Colombia, at Cartegena. Despite 30% blood-loss Fernado leaves hospital to report missing Bellick, who is already in jail and gets T-bag's company. Vendor Chaco gets Michael introduced to a local yacht owner to whom he suggests collecting the $100,000 reward on his head, then makes a better offer. Mahone called the police intending to frame the brothers for his intended murder on 'an Asian', but Michael refuses to hand over the money and Kim turns up early, with armed back-up; Mahone runs but is arrested. Kellerman knows the situation he is involved in, and expects to be assasined (unless we are towards a plot surprise,) so his transport to prison is arranged to get car trouble and a masked man shoots him. Chaco delivers to the brothers, who got away with the money and intended to run and never look back, a crummy boat with a priceless surprise: Sarah and the great news for Linc, with good hope for Michael. Just then Kim turns up, refuses the money, aims at Linc- and is shot by Sarah; the police arrives, chasing and trapping the trio- Michael takes the gun and pretends to take Sarah hostage, then lets himself be arrested and locked up in Sona. Malone calls his wife to forget he ever existed- from jail. T-bag expected to be released as agreed reward for baiting the brothers, but the man he hoped to bring him the good news says getting caught broke the deal. download Klik Here



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