Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prison break Season 2 Episodes 17-20

Season 2, Episode 17: Bad Blood

Original Air Date—19 February 2007 Michael Schofield and Sara Tancredi fail to get the tape from the Corona de Oro cigar club in Chicago, where security was at the ready, and turn to former warden Henry Pope, a club member, but he wants to call the police, so Michael draws his gun and hands it over to prove his veracity; Sarah convinces him to go in with her late fathers humidor key- he finds a computer memory stick. In Mexico, Fernando Sucre has car trouble and gets a ride- from an Ixtapa airport security employee, who sees his wanted-poster just after they parted at the airport, so he must run with his bride. T-bag and his forced-along family find his own house vandalized and looted except for the family bible, which arouses in him youth memories of his perverted father, and assures Suzy he wants their love and is happy to be infertile, her bloodline should take the Bagwells's place; when she refuses he locks them up, considers ax-murdering but just leaves them behind. FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone has tracked down Benjamin Miles 'C-Note' Franklin and his daughter, but lets them escape in a bus rather then shoot the kid; C-Note brings her to a doctor, worried about the kidney disease PKD, but won't allow inserting a catheter, rather turns himself in to Mahone, who is with his own boy in Colorado, and makes a deal to get him Schofield. Pope is out of the club, but is greeted at the entrance by Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim, whom only Paul Kellerman, watching from a roof with Linc, knows at sight; Michael drives over Kim and gets away with Pope, Sarah and Linc, locking Kellerman out. When Michael tells the others he's prepared to honor his promise to Pope -which the others didn't know about- to turn himself in for his help, Henry hands him the stick and lets them go. download Klik Here

Season 2, Episode 18: Wash

Original Air Date—26 February 2007 Captain Brad Bellick walks in the FBI office demanding Mahone pays him. Michael and his companions are impressed with the recordings on the stick, but it only helps if Kellerman's contacts in Washington use it right, notably high Justice official Cooper Green, who accepts to meet and cooperates, but is tailed by Kim's men. Linc calls his boy L.J., who refuses to give up his relatively normal life till further notice. Sarah meets Bruce Bennett. Bellick tries to bribe Sucre's incarcerated cousin into betraying his Mexican whereabouts. T-Bag finds therapist Dr. Stammel who looks like him, and murders him to steal his identity. Mahone is ordered to dispose of C-note for good once Kim believes he has Schofield; he promises to keep taking care of C-note's family, but only if he uses the content of a package he'll send to his cell- a noose. Sarah is too late calling Linc the real Cooper Green is in his office, but Michael tricks the fake one who pretended to be asthmatic just in time and knocks him down. Paul Kellerman visits his sister Kristine. Fernando Sucre is in heaven in bed with Maricruz Delgado when their baby kicks. The real Cooper Green could help with the tape, but then finds the memory stick has the copy date, not the recording date without which it is not admissible as proof, only to blackmail the president into signing a pardon. download Klik Here

Season 2, Episode 19: Sweet Caroline

Original Air Date—5 March 2007 C-note has jumped with the noose around his neck, but is saved by jailers; he has Malone told he'll still do it. At a Chicago hotel, president Caroline Reynolds is expected for a speech. Michael sends the real Cooper Green away and agrees a meeting point with Linc and Sarah. Malone enters Sarah's room and only pretends to fail looking under the bed to trap her, she pretends the brothers left her. In Mexico T-bag finds Bellick is waiting at the luggage conveyor and must get his from the service side, but the laborer he knocks down falls onto it, so he must run. Lincoln surprises his old mate Derrick Sweeney and calls a favor: three tickets on a freighter for Panama. Kellerman is in position to shoot the fiendish president, but when she's in his sight Michael gets arrested just after shaking her hand, and is interrogated by Kim who demands to be left alone with him, to ask where Linc is, then tries literally to beat it out of him; the president barges in and sends Kim out just when he was about to shoot Michael; he tells her the tape is a delicate conversation she had with her brother after his 'death', and he still has copies at twenty locations. Fernando sees on TV T-bag is in Mexico and was videotaped trying to steal, so he deduces the $5,000,000 must be around and tells Maricruz he'll be right back; at his return only Bellick is there, armed and cuffs Sucre, in order to collect the reward, so Fernando offers to share the $5,000,000 by finding T-bag. Sarah guesses right Malone is on an addictive drug. Caroline calls Linc, who plays the tape which proves her brother was alive on the isle of Terrence and hated conspiring with her Linc's faked conviction; Michael tells her about his suicide and dares her to make a decision: let him walk and sign a pardon for both brothers the very day, on live TV; Kim fails to stop him being released and walking out. When the phone rings, Sarah surprises Malone and escapes- actually he arranged this and has her followed. Kim talks to a grim man in power; Reynolds announces on TV she has a malignant cancer and resigns immediately. download Klik Here

Season 2, Episode 20: Panama

Original Air Date—19 March 2007 Now Caroline Reynolds has stepped down as president, she can no longer sign a pardon, so the brothers must immediately disappear, forever. At the pier, Sarah realizes she's being tailed and pretends on the phone already to be on board, so they sail without her while she is arrested; Lincoln stops Michael from returning for her. A week later, an FBI big-whig offers C-note a lesser sentence for testimony against Mahone, even freedom and witness protection for his family- bingo. Fernando grabs Bellick's gun while looking for T-bag, but he shows a crucifix to prove he has Maricruz. The scumbag enjoys his fortune with a street whore playing his Susan-Q. The brothers arrive at Cristobal, Panama; meanwhile Malone's team figures out Schofield's tattoos refer to Michael's mother Christina, presumably dead, and he presumes his computer contained much info on Panama for a reason. The man in power grills Kim on a small boat, and decides to change the strategy. Mahone sees trough FBI-colleague Wheeler. C-note is reunited with his family and released. The brothers have a fight, torn by guilt for too many innocent people suffering trough their well-meant deeds, then board a yacht, named- Christina. Mahone tells Kim he's not happy with the results as he remains separated from his family, but is told he now needs help to escape, and therefore must go to Mexico- to help T-bag... [last bit not summarized]. download Klik Here



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