Monday, April 20, 2009

Prison break Season 4 Episodes 17&18&19

Season 4, Episode 17 NEW Download Episode 17 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Season 4, Episode 18 NEW Download Episode 18 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prison break Season 4 Episodes 13-16

Season 4, Episode 13: Deal or No Deal

Original Air Date—1 December 2008 Self calls Herb and says that Lincoln has killed Miriam and pretends that he was also shot by Lincoln. The disturbed General Krantz recalls Michael's words; during a meeting with the board of The Company, he is questioned by Howard Scuderi and he unexpectedly kills him and asks if there were any further questions from the other participants. Lisa is shocked with the attitude of her father. Herb calls Michael believing that Lincoln has killed two federal agents. Self brings T-Bag seeking out Gretchen. Michael faints in the toilet, Lincoln helps him and Sara injects a drug and tells him that he can not have any physical stress for eight hours. Lincoln calls Gretchen and says that Self has double-crossed them and stolen Scylla. They schedule a meeting at the Grand Hope Park in one hour; however Gretchen's sister Rita is forced to calls her as Self points his gun to her head. Meanwhile, Special Agent Richard Sooter arrives to investigating the case. Gretchen arrives at her sister's house and Self forces her to call the National Security and tell them where Michael and his group are. Lincoln is arrested in the park, but the rest of the group escapes. Self forces Gretchen to contact a buyer (actually a conduit) called Viking, since there are only five potential buyers in the world. T-Bag stays with Rita and Emily, while Gretchen and Self go to a meeting with Viking. Meanwhile the truth about Self is disclosed through a deleted file in the name of Robert Walker, and Senator Conrad Dallow apologizes to Lincoln. He calls Michael and the group and the senator promises full immunity if they agree to testify against Self. Michael asks Mahone, Sara and Sucre to travel out of Los Angeles and he goes to a meeting with Herb and the senator. However, Herb and Senator Dallow discusses about the consequences of the unauthorized operation, meaning at least fifteen years in prison, and they decide to eliminate all the evidences of the operation. However, Michael and Lincoln are saved by Agent Sooter that kills Herb but discloses that he works for The Company, and brings the brothers to "an appointment with the General". However, Sucre appears out of the blue and saves Michael and Lincoln that kills Sooter, but let Senator Dallow go. The Senator leaves all the documents and tells that the operation has never happened. Meanwhile Self and Gretchen meets with Viking, but he tells that there is one piece missing in Scylla that Michael has secretly withdrawn. Self calls Michael that invites him to come and get it. Download Under 100.00 Mb

Season 4, Episode 14: Just Business

Original Air Date—8 December 2008 Sara injects another shot and tells Michael that he needs a doctor. The lookout Lincoln keeps watching on the outside of the warehouse; when Self throws gas bombs trying to force Michael and his group to leave the place, Lincoln surprises Self, hits him on his back and brings him into the warehouse. Self justifies that his motivation was not personal, just business, and proposes to sell Scylla and share the amount among the whole group; however Gretchen appears out of the blue and balances the situation and they leave the place without a shootout. Meanwhile, Mahone meets agent Lang and tells her what happened in the last days, and asks who would be trustful in FBI since the agency and the National Security are compromised with infiltrated agents from The Company. General Krantz decides to chase Gretchen using a satellite; Lisa gives her resignation letter to he father. Michael does not want to sell Scylla; Sucre hides himself in the truck of Self's car and finds the low budget Fauntleroy Hotel where Self and Gretchen are lodged. He calls Michael and steals several cartridges of gas from the car. Michael hides the missing chip of Scylla on the ceiling of the bathroom, but Self sees the location using a camera he planted in the warehouse. Self calls T-Bag and asks him to kill Rita and Emily if he does not return the call within two hours. When the seller Ralph Becker arrives on the front door selling Bibles, T-Bag sees his ring and knock-outs the guy, telling Rita that he is a Company agent. He interrogates the man and Rita convinces T-Bag to release Ralph and T-Bag lets Emily and Rita go. However the seller is actually an agent and T-Bag is arrested by The Company. Meanwhile Mahone has a meeting with Agent Wheeler, asking to see someone to trust; Wheeler proposes the Scylla per a meeting with thee General Attorney. General Krantz also locates Gretchen and Self in the hotel, but Sucre fights against Gretchen while Michael disassembles the emergency exit; when Self leaves the room through the fire stairway trying to escape, he falls on the ground and Michael recovers the complete Scylla; however, he starts bleeding though his nose and faints. Self retrieves Scylla and The Company catches Michael. Sara and Sucre see on the screen of Self's notebook the hidden camera in the warehouse. When they return to their hideout, they find that Self has found the chip. When Mahone calls Lincoln and finds that Scylla was lost, he is betrayed by Agent Lang and arrested by Wheeler. Lincoln surprisingly arrives at The Company to see Michael, and General Krantz proposes the best doctors and facility to Michael's surgery per Scylla, and gives a file named Tombstone II to Lincoln. Meanwhile Self kills the intermediate Vikan and his bodyguard to deal Scylla directly with the buyer. Download Under 100.00 Mb

Season 4, Episode 15: Going Under

Original Air Date—15 December 2008 General Krantz tells Lincoln that the price of Michael's surgery is the safe return of Scylla. Lincoln tortures T-Bag to find the location where Self and Gretchen will deal with the buyer; after losing two teeth, T-Bag says that the meeting place will be at Arlington Pier at 3:00 PM. Lincoln and Sucre head off to the Pier, but Rita calls Gretchen and says that the Company abducted T-Bag. When they arrive, Self and Gretchen have already gone. Sara stays with Michael and she does not recognize the equipment and the procedure in the surgery room, but the doctor informs that it is a state-of-art technique. Michael meets Charles in Fox River, and he asks for his forgiveness. Charles advises that things are not as they seem to be, and Michael tries to find the true meaning of his words and the word Bargain on the wall. Meanwhile Mahone asks if he can go to the bathroom and the reluctant Wheeler finally stops the car. Mahone steals a pipe and jumps from Wheeler's car after shattering the window. He is chased by Agent Lang and Wheeler, and Lang covers his escape route in the end. The Company tracks Gretchen's call from her cellular, but when Lincoln and Sucre arrive, the buyer escapes with Scylla and they capture Self and Gretchen. Michael deciphers that Scylla is not what he appears to be. Lincoln discovers information regarding his mother. Download Under 100.00 Mb

Season 4, Episode 16: The Sunshine State

Original Air Date—22 December 2008 Lincoln calls Sara from Miami asking for news about Michael and tells that he is trying to retrieve the Scylla for The Company with Gretchen, T-Bag and Self. They find a lead in the Grafton Club, and Lincoln goes to the place where he abducts Tia Hayden trying to find the representative of the owner of Scylla. Meanwhile Michael awakes locked in a house in the woods under the surveillance of bodyguards of The Company. The psychiatrist, Dr. Roger Knowlton, tells him that his mother is alive and is working for 'The Company' in the Madagascar Rainforest. He wants to prepare Michael to join 'The Company' and use his skills on a global scale working with his mother. Tia lures Lincoln and manages to escape, but he keeps her wallet and finds her address. Sara tells General Krantz that she wants to stay with Michael, but he says no to her. T-Bag and Self go to Tia's house and Self plots against the Lincoln's leadership. They bring pictures and a HD they found in the house. Self argues with Lincoln and Mahone arrives to balance the situation. Michael sees pictures of his childhood and recalls his family reunion while Dr. Knowlton evaluates him for General Krantz and is pressed to use a quick and nasty process to force Michael to join The Company. Lincoln and Mahone go to the marina to investigate the representative of the owner of Scylla. Sara receives a mysterious cellphone message for a meeting and is abducted near a public phone by Lisa's men, and Lisa tells her that Michael is 60 miles northeastern downtown. Gretchen finds Scott, the representative of the owner of Scylla, while researching a database, but she lures the rest of the group and meets with Scott who promises ten million dollars for her. T-Bag overhears the conversation between Sara and Lincoln and calls General Krantz. He in turn orders Dr. Knowlton to drug Michael for transportation. However Michael reverts the situation and escapes running through the woods. Sara manages to rescue Michael. When the group meets Scott, there is a shootout and Gretchen is hit and left behind. In the end, the surprising owner of Scylla finally appears. Download Under 100.00 Mb

Prison break Season 4 Episodes 9-12

Season 4, Episode 9: Greatness Achieved Original Air Date—3 November 2008 Lincoln unsuccessfully beats up Wyatt, trying to force him to call General Krantz and tell him that he killed the brothers. Then Self arrives with a wallet and says that he needs to talk with Wyatt - Sara goes to the cell under the surveillance of Mahone. Lisa tells Krantz that she needs three days to move Scylla, and he orders the distribution of the pictures of Michael and his group to the press. Michael, Lincoln, Bellick and Sucre go to T-Bag's office in Gate, find the pipe conducting the water supply of LA and conclude that it is impossible to dig the concrete beneath. Self tells Mahone that he sympathizes with him and he also lost his wife and baby. White is worried with the disappearance of Andy Blauner, and T-Bag is interrogated by a detective that is investigating it. Gretchen arrives with a pistol in General Krantz's office; he calls her "my girl", kisses her and recalls her failure in the Police Academy because of her psychological test. T-Bag changes Andy's sale records and convinces White that he has embezzled Gate. Bellick has a surprising attitude in the water duct. Download Under 100.00 Mb Season 4, Episode 10: The Legend Original Air Date—10 November 2008 Michael's group is sad with the death of Bellick, and they demand that Self sends his body to his mother. Michael asks for the missing pages from Self and Gretchen returns and tells that The Company is moving Scylla to a bunker in Pennsylvania. Michael tells that the map does not make sense, but he deciphers the message "CME David Baker" meaning "See me David Baker". Trishanne commits a serious mistake, mentioning the name of Frank Whistler to T-Bag while giving Gretchen's file to him. The smart criminal investigates and finds that the receptionist is actually a Federal Agent working for Self. Michael faints and Sara takes him to a neurologist in a hospital using fake identities and he is submitted to a tomography. Dr. Malden recognizes Michael but protects him. Mr. White calls T-Bag to have a meeting with clients to see his "magic". The transportation of Scylla is complicated and General Krantz asks his men to bring David Parker; however Mahone is trying to convincing him to give information about Scylla. Sucre tells Lincoln that Bellick saved him in Sona, and he calls Bellick's mother. While in the underground of The Company's headquarter, Sucre steps on a land mine and Lincoln calls Gretchen to help him. Meanwhile The Company arrives at David Parker's home and Mahone escapes; but David Parker's wife gives the code to understand the map. Lincoln calls Mahone and tells about Sucre and Mahone finds that there is a manual override and the mine is connected to an alarm system; he avoids that Gretchen disarms the mine and saves Sucre. Now Scylla is behind the wall protected by an electronic alarm barrier. However Dr. Malden calls Sara and says that Michael needs to be operated on the next day. Download Under 100.00 Mb Season 4, Episode 11: Quiet Riot Original Air Date—17 November 2008 Download Under 100.00 Mb Season 4, Episode 12: Selfless Original Air Date—24 November 2008 Download Under 100.00 Mb


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